Call for Papers

Abstract Submission is Closed.

The Nanoinformatics 2010 organizers are inviting participants to submit presentation or poster abstracts that:

  • Describe novel approaches to the collection and/or curation of nanotechnology data
  • Demonstrate innovative use of computational and/or information technologies to solve problems within the nanotechnology domain
  • Address cultural, legal, or ethical barriers to data sharing within the nanotechnology community
  • Describe existing nanoinformatics projects within a specific nanotechnology application area
  • Describe informatics exemplars from outside the nanotechnology domain that would be appropriate models for nanoinformatics

More information about the workshop themes and subthemes can be found on our themes page.

Abstracts of no more than 500 words in length that describe a project or approach as outlined above will be reviewed by program theme co-chairs. Submissions will be accepted until October 15.

Authors will be notified about the status of their submission as it is reviewed.